
One of the most honest representations of humanity.

Observing traffic tells you almost everything you need to know about human nature.

  1. When we are insulated from any immediate consequences for our conduct, we are far more likely to behave like an ASSHOLE.  The internet has confirmed this.

  2. We perceive ourselves far more proficient at driving than is actually the case.

  3. We drive vehicles far beyond our economic means that steadily depreciate in value because we really want them.

  4. We drive vehicles far larger and less fuel efficient than we need while we pretend to care about the environment.

  5. We use our SMARTPHONES while driving because laws prohibiting this were clearly designed for everyone else.  We are excellent at dividing our attention to effectively perform both functions simultaneously despite the fact that humans are notoriously poor at multitasking.

  6. We predominantly drive in the lane we like despite each lane serving a specific purpose.

  7. We wait until the absolute last second to change lanes and then accuse others of being impolite when they do not immediately let us in as we hold up traffic.

  8. We break rules of the road if it serves our interests while believing that what we are doing is perfectly fine.  We reserve the right to circumvent rules if we deem it appropriate.

  9. We behave as though our actions are only inappropriate if we suffer consequences.

  10. It is predictable who will be overly cautious and fearful, which makes the road more dangerous for everyone else.

  11. It is predictable who will be needlessly aggressive and antisocial, which makes the road more dangerous for everyone else.

  12. Our two most meaningful ways of communicating with other drivers are indicator signals and our horn, both of which we use incorrectly.

  13. In the middle of the night, and with no other drivers or police anywhere to be seen, we will wait for stop lights to change so we can advance.  We have been so thoroughly trained that we remain obedient to authority even when it would be STUPID to do so.

  14. We accelerate too quickly and brake too late.

  15. Our orienting reflex will cause us to focus on nearby collisions that do not involve us in any way nor do we have any intention of getting involved to assist.

  16. We leave later than we should to make it to our destination and compensate for this by driving in an antisocial manner while blaming everyone else on the road for our delay.

  17. We talk trash to other drivers despite the fact that they cannot hear us.

  18. Despite a thorough and rigourous historical record of human suffering and death caused by HUBRIS and human shortcomings, we continue to drive plagued by exactly the same traits and somehow expect different outcomes.

  19. Despite having access to multiple mirrors and each vehicles having a predictable turning radius, we are incapable of parking properly.  The addition of cameras to modern vehicles do not seem to have improved this.  It could also be that we just do not give a shit.

  20. When we behave generously towards others, it encourages others to be generous as well.  This rarely occurs.

Extrapolate these tendencies and apply them to any human context and you will be able to predict human outcomes with impressive accuracy.

Posted: 2 Jan 2023

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