
An adult with little to no life experience.

Teachers have widely adopted the notion that they are best suited to know what is best for children, even more than parents. This is due to common misconception held by many graduates that learning about something in the abstract for a few years is somehow superior to actually doing something real. Due to the severe lack of real life experience among teachers, their schooling is all they have.

It is therefore necessary for them to conclude that they have not wasted their time and money earning their degree, and so their ego insists that their schooling is not only a valid substitution for parenting and life experience, but that it is in fact a superior source of practical knowledge. This is an attempt to have others believe they occupy legitimate positions, not because they have done real things, but because they read about them in school.

Under this model, they are better at baking a cake than a successful pastry chef because they looked at the recipe a few times. This is especially true if the chef did not receive a formal education, like they did.

This is considered a ludicrous position to everyone else.

The most common profession occupied by pedophiles, and not by a small margin.  This should not be surprising as schools are a perfect environment to groom and prey on children without parental oversight. There have increasingly been reports that teachers are requesting that young children keep secrets from their parents about what happens in class. Nothing to see here.

What is interesting about this is that all spheres of education are dominated by women, which introduces a litany of concerns about the efficacy and safety of environments where only one sex is prominent.  Despite this, male priests are considered the archetypal child predator, which suggests that academic institutions have a much tighter relationship with the NEWS MEDIA than the Roman Catholic Church.

Most teachers attend school from an early age, then they attend more school, then they graduate from high school to attend more school.  After receiving a degree, they go to teacher’s college where they do not learn anything about CHILDREN or learning.  They will earn their credentials after they have sufficiently demonstrated their conformity with the prescribed ideological perspectives, and, if fortunate, they will get hired by an academic institution.  Here, they will confidently espouse information to classrooms of naïve young people that they have neither verified is true nor is likely to be remotely useful in the real world.

Plus, they get summers off.


Revised: 16 Mar 2023

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