The most prolific secular religion wherein nature is viewed as God. This is clear due to how it prioritizes faith in an ideal rather than providing compelling facts or evidence.
A subject that has turned everyone into climate change experts because they feel that the weather is unseasonably warm.
A widespread ethos based on false premises, which we would know if we bothered to read the reports ourselves.
A form of activism supported by virtually no evidence that it is an imminent concern, but is nevertheless leveraged by the NEWS MEDIA on a daily basis to cause anxiety disorders in young people.
The core belief is that human impact is inherently bad, intrinsically immoral, and inevitably self-destructive. If we offend God through our actions, it will punish us. As a result, its focus is on making human life worse by creating a dehumanized earth, one that has been returned to an unblemished state. Specifics about when in time the earth existed in this pristine state, or what it looked like, remain conspicuously absent from discussion.
Marian Tupy, editor of HumanProgress.org and senior fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity had the following to say:
“Many people in secular societies have embraced environmentalism as a substitute for religion. It’s very interesting to see how extreme environmentalism maps onto Christian theology. On the one hand you’ve got your Garden of Eden - that’s the world before industrialization. You have your devils - fossils fuels, fossil fuel CEOs, people like that. You have your saints - Greta Thunberg, you have your priesthood - which is the IPCC scientists. Of course, you even have indulgences like back in the days before reformation, where you are allowed as one of the chosen few to fly around the world in a private jet, so long as you give a few thousand pounds or dollars to a green cause, all those sins are simply washed away. That is why someone like Leo DiCaprio or John Kerry or Emma Thompson can go on the tele having just flown in first class and still be good environmentalists. Their sins have been washed away by saying the right incantations and sending the right amount of money to these green causes. You can see the religious overtones to environmentalism. [Finally], one of the fundamental features of any religion is apocalypse, the end of days, the world that ends and is going to reconstitute itself in some way…I think this is one of the reasons people keep embracing these apocalyptic views.”(1)
Whether this is uniquely a feature of secular societies in search of alternatives to religion is a matter of debate, but his commentary is salient nonetheless.
Curiously, most environmentalist policies negatively affect the poor and impoverished more than anyone else, whom they allege they are additionally concerned about. Ironically, these same policies generally contribute nothing towards preserving or protecting the environment. The vast majority of climate initiatives are fraudulent, providing both public and private forces with opportunities to achieve desired ends that would be impossible in the absence of their coalition. This is being done - as it is always claimed - for our benefit, which is strange considering how it explicitly intends to make our lives worse while making theirs better.
Environmentalism is simply the most recent attempt at aggregating wealth and power in the hands of elites supported by USEFUL IDIOTS who believe they are changing the world.
Most people care about the environment, but rather than posture and catastrophize about complex climate measures that most people do not understand – including so-called ‘environmentalists’ - alternatives are actively sought.
The solution is to build, create and produce cheap and clean energy.
The solution is not to construct an uninspired belief system so that the wealthy and well-to-do can interfere in the lives of everyone who built everything they enjoy and make them suffer the consequences of their gnostic self-aggrandizement.
Public displays of pious self-flagellation are embarrassing, especially when your prayers are only heard by your ego.
(1) TRIGGERnometry podcast, “Climate Activism is a Religion” - Marian Tupy, released on Oct 19, 2022.
Revised: 8 Mar 2023