Crop Top

Club attire designed with the explicit intent to draw the eye towards the pronouncement of female breasts contrasted by an exposed midriff that borders the curvature of the pelvis.

This article of clothing is designed for a single purpose: inviting the attention of males and triggering them sexually.  The fact that this attire has become commonplace among middle school girls is a demonstration that neither parents nor educators view others - children in this instance, through an evolutionary lens. Or perhaps they just do not understand sexual signaling, or they do not consider its impact at this age or in an educational setting.

Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to effectively raise or educate children without this knowledge, which is both widely available and deliberately avoided due to its humbling effect. It appears the popularity of increasingly provocative clothing trends for school-age girls and naïve interpretations of self-esteem carry the day.

Our ancestors, who pre-date the hyper novelty and sophistication of our modern technological age, did not need to study this knowledge.  Our strange obsession with having both parents working on a full-time basis strains the intimacy of persistent child rearing that has accompanied nearly all of human history.  We did not need to learn about children, we grew together amongst them at all times.  It appears that parents now prefer to let strangers raise their children for them.

What could possibly go wrong?


Posted: 30 Dec 2022

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